Sunday 16 September 2012


           It is disappoing that entire system is for powerful people of the society and govt mechanism is for protection of powerful people of society. Delhi High court appointed Justice Anil Dev singh committee is auditing the records of the school but how the committee can draw a conclusion in absence of authentic records as the RTI information has revealed that most of the records submitted to the committee is based on fraud played by unaided private schools. The committee is auditing accounts in very casual manner and the interim reports reflects that it has been checked that whether schools are paying sixth pay commission or not. First Interim reports are showing reports about 200 schools which are small schools having no facility or influence to manipulate the data and Guru Harkrishan Group of Schools left evidences in over confidence about their political influence. It is also very surprising that how and in which manner committee has selected schools which are having least influence as the random method can be like this as committee has selected.
         Supreme court in a recent judgement ruled that right to sleep is fundamental right but this committee is one step ahead as the Govt. is almost paying Rs 2,00,000 per month to a retired officer who is preparing report about his own sleeping. The committee has mentioned that DOE was sleeping while school was pinching the pockets of the innocent parents but an officer of DOE who is a member of present committee was additional  director during the relevant period. Addl DE is head of the department regarding regulation and monitoring of unaided private school. It looks from the reports that another member of the committee is interested for selection of CA firm as per his own choice and at a higher rate smiler to one fixed for him. It has been reported in interim report about delay by CA firm appointed by Directorate of Education but some facts reveals that the committee wanted to show the delay for the purpose of showing failure of CA firm. The firm has submitted the reports about 247 schools to the directorate which requested them to submit the report to the committee. It is also very important to understand that why the firm wanted to submit reports to directorate instead of committee.
         Hon'ble High court has passed an order that the 90% of cost will be paid by unaided private school and the schools will not increase fee without prior permission from the court. It is important that the unaided private schools will file the petition for permission and the legal expenditure as well as the fee paid to committee both will be ultimately paid by the innocent parents.     

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