Tuesday 25 June 2013


Who says Education is Charity I think it is most lucrative business in the India where one can use the public resorces and privileges to run their business and earn tax free black money with the help of Govt agency. our acadmician who are so called expert in the field of education are also very much influenced by our history specially dronacharya who want all respect and renumeration but prefer to teach their Arjuna and Duryadhan but not Eklabya.In mahabharta only Dhritarastra was supporting this kind of education but now our three pillars of Democracy and sometime fourth also practically supports this system which is for their benifit as the elite class is benifitted from this cruel system which protects the private schooling system in present manner.

  The system of private schooling is meant only for elite class and sometime it surprises us when the policy makers and courts talks abut feasibilty and affordability of this private system as the middle class interest is only discussed. Several state government allotted the land at throw away price to the so called charitable societies to perform their so called Charity. The annual returns of the societies showing that the societies are diverting fund to purchase luxury cars to perform their charity. Most of schools secured their interest by taking huge loans from the banks by mortgaging the public property. Asstets are crated for society and the underprivileged group are deprived from their share in freeship admission to balence the interst of middle class. Our pillars of democracy permits the autonomy on the ground that the govt. system is failed and they have to prserve these traders who is atlest providing education to elite class.

Gandhian thought says that the most deprived has the first right on the Public resources but our nehru model rejects the gandhian thought and it had proved that only the elite class of society has their right on the resourses of the country. Verious movements including Anna movement and kejriwal aam aadmi movement also fights for middle class which want to exploit the public resources including the share of underprivileged group of society without paying any bribe to government officers.